Sunday, August 23, 2009


Why is everything difficult?

I went to MBK to buy an 8GB flash drive today. I wandered around that awful, awful fourth floor between dozens and dozens of little electronics kiosks for 40+ minutes, trying my best not to get ripped off.

I found what looked to be a decent store with legitimate merchandise. I bought a SanDisk flash drive for 600 baht. The packaging looked normal and there were no misspellings or obvious giveaways, but I went home feeling a bit skeptical.

I got on SanDisk's Web site and looked up the drive I had bought. The last three digits of the product code did not match up with their Web site's information. I emailed tech support to see if there's a mistake, so we'll see.

I asked the woman at the store for a receipt, thank goodness, and I wrote down which store it was. I just really, really don't want to go back and have to finagle my money out of her... What a pain.

Dear Southeast Asia,

Could you please try not to rip me off at least once in the next seven months? Thanks.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Lauren,

    It's part of my nature to rip you off. You're such an easy target, being blonde and all. If you don't like it, you should go home.

    Southeast Asia
