Friday, August 14, 2009

parent meeting

Yesterday we had a parent-teacher meeting for P.4 through P.6. I didn't have to say a word, thank goodness. Nummon did all the talking. My job was to stand next to her and nod along as if I understood Thai.

Afterward, a parent came up and introduced himself as Kawin's dad. He expressed concerns that Kawin was having trouble with pronunciation and phonics, as well as forming sentences.

I wanted to say, "Oh, so he's having trouble with the English language, then?"

But, alas, such snarky remarks are unprofessional. I asked him if Kawin ever comes to Reading Rainbow in the mornings. He said no, and I suggested that perhaps coming early and reading aloud to the English teachers would help.

I should have also recommended that he practice English with his son. I think many parents here with good English don't speak it at home because they worry it will affect the kids' Thai skills. But I thought of it after he had walked away.

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