Monday, November 30, 2009

faster than a speeding... something

In preparation for Fathers' Day, I wanted my students to draw pictures of their fathers as superheroes. I plan to use their pictures to decorate a poster I'm making for Wednesday's Fathers' Day festivities.

I began class today by asking kids to name some superheros.

Batman! Superman! Spiderman! Supergirl! Ben 10!
"And what makes superheros different from other people?"
"That's right! Can anyone name a superpower?"

One hand shot up -- an especially precocious student named Janjao. "The United States?!" she cried out.

"Not what I meant, but have a sticker."


  1. I read this aloud to Steve just now, and I thought he was going to cry for a second because of how hard he was laughing.

  2. My parents loved it. They want me to send it in to Reader's Digest.

    Glad you're spreading the joy!

  3. I don't know what to cook this evening! Someone call Supper Dad!!!
