Tuesday, December 1, 2009

tickled pink?

For those who aren't in the know about the state of the King of Thailand, his health is deteriorating and he's been in the hospital for about two months.

Yesterday at work, our boss made an announcement.

"You need to wear pink every day in December, starting tomorrow."
Right. Okay. Thanks for the giving us plenty of time to find a new work wardrobe.

The King's astrologer, or someone, prescribed pink as an auspicious color to promote his health. The last time he left the hospital, he wore a pale pink shirt. If if we wear pink, he'll get better sooner.

I don't have any pink shirts, and I didn't have time to go shopping yesterday. I put on what I thought was the next best thing: a skirt with pink roses printed all over it. There are bits of black in the background of the print, but, overall, the skirt is dark and light pink. I wore a black top with it.

Nummon motioned for me to follow her into the hallway this morning. She had a pink pashmina in her hand and a concerned look on her face.

"Lalen, you need to wear this today. Your clothes are more like 80% black and 20% pink. No one in the school has to know this isn't your scarf."

I don't know who taught her percentages. I was under the impression that my ensemble was 50/50. But colors are taken seriously here, and black is a color of mourning. It's easier to nod and smile and wear the scarf.

So, today I'm experimenting with different scarf styles:


  1. SUPER LAUREN wins. With Creepy Soothsayer Lauren coming in second.

  2. Lauren! I heard mention of your blog the other day, and I don't know how I've not been reading it since May! (The rhyme was unintentional.) I spent far too much time catching up seeing as how this is the last week of classes, but it was worth it.

  3. What about Mary-holding-baby-Jesus Lauren? That could be straight out of a manger scene.

    Greg, so glad my blog isn't a waste of your life. Now, go study for exams!

  4. Lalen! I'm happy that's what they call you. It makes me think of calling you Lolli.

  5. I love baby jesus holding lauren, but mysterious monster woman lauren also suprised!
