Thursday, July 23, 2009

today's special

School lunches are always an adventure. You never know what lurks in the vat of brothy soup or the pan of mystery meat.

I can normally find a least one tasty dish each day. Today's lunch was only so-so, but what greeted me in the teachers' air-conditioned lunchroom robbed me of any appetite I had.

There, on a gold stand surrounded by flowers, was a pig's face.

And sitting right in front of the pig face was one of the Thai teachers, eating his lunch as though nothing was amiss.

I looked around, and there were, in fact, two pig faces in the room.

The P.4 through P.6 students had a Buddhist ceremony of some kind this morning. There were other gold trays with fruit, flowers, and sea creatures. I think they were all part of the offerings for the ceremony - NOT for eating, thank goodness.

Still, eating in a room with pig faces was unnerving.


  1. I don't know what Austin (Lambert, aka Thomas' best man) and Thomas did with the head of the pig Austin shot last weekend ...

  2. ...but was it a pot belly pig face?

  3. Nope, just a regular ol' pig face.

    I couldn't eat pork today, though. I had one bite, but all I could think about was pig face.

  4. Some Mexican meat markets have whole pig faces on display with the rest of their meat selections. gross.

  5. It makes me oddly happy that you have a photo of it though! fun story even if it ruined your appetite.
