Tuesday, July 21, 2009

photos... again

If you've read my post from last month about the do-it-myself photoshopping incident, you already know the school has asked us for a lot of small passport photos.

On Monday at lunch, Geoffrey (silly British man who works in the Mattayom office) told us they needed three more small photos. Something to do with health care... I don't really know. He wasn't specific.

We turned those pictures in today.

Then, this afternoon, Sukjai tells us he needs more of the larger 2" by 2" sized photos for the work permit paperwork. "Will one or two be enough?" we asked. "Oh, no. We need at least six."

SIX more photos!

I have a third theory about where the photos are going. I think they're making "Go Fish" decks with our faces on them.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they are decorating a creepy stalker wall with pictures of you, haha.
