Friday, January 8, 2010

fitted out

I've begun my second foray into the tailoring world.

The first -- the little black dress attempt -- was only about halfway successful. I did end up with a dress, but A) it cost way too much and B) there is an all-too-noticeable rumple in the lining near the neck. They didn't fix it after asking them two or three times. I gave up.

I found a different tailor shop on the recommendation of a young Thai teacher. I played it safe and ordered a simple button-down shirt. It was inexpensive, turned out pretty well, and the fabric feels great, so I went back to be measured for a suit.

That's right: my first, grown-up business suit. (Or monkey suit, as my brother used to call them when he was a wee small child forced to wear them to church for special occasions. E.g. "Get me outta this monkey suit, Mom!")

I am 23 years old now, after all. It's time to look like an adult. Plus, in the event that I snag a job interview or two when I go home, I want to be properly attired.

I'll post pictures when it's finished.

On an unrelated note, I apologize for the curse word in my last post. I was all riled up about corruption and whatnot. Didn't mean to offend.


  1. Whew! I'm glad you apologized...I was afraid you were going to be transferred to the "wicked" list...
