Thursday, September 24, 2009


I emailed my beloved 7th grade reading teacher, Mrs. Muhl, several weeks ago to ask for her vocabulary lists. One of my fluent tutorees, Jame, is so good at English that I figured I'd go ahead and teach him the things American kids his age are learning in school.

For the last two weeks, I've been giving him words like "hirsute" and "ostracize" to study and write sentences with.

I was checking his sentences tonight and there, between "My room is often disheveled." and "Most of the things that my friends say are ludicrous." was just another small reminder that I'm not at home:

"Monks ruminate on small pillows."

It made me smile.

This kid cracks me up sometimes. I was giving him the next 10 words to study, when I said, "Germinate. G-E-R..." He interrupted me. "Germinate? Like turn someone into a German?"


  1. Adolf was the Germinator... he said to Austria, "Hey, Austria. You're German now. Sorry for the inconvenience."

  2. wow...this kid is pretty good! :) Some of my students wouldn't know what ruminate meant let alone use it correctly in a sentence...

    I was in bangkok the other night and thought of you. I had to comfort myself with the knowledge that it was 2am your time and that your were hopefully sound asleep. miss you.

  3. I miss you, too! Wish I could've seen you.
