Friday, September 25, 2009

all i have to say is, "why??"

Ant problems, again.

I was cleaning my room today and picked up my camera battery charger. I noticed some suspicious white lint around the holes and metal prongs where the battery connects to the charger.

I removed the lint and an ant crawled out. And another. And three more. These **** ants are nesting in my camera battery charger!!

One crawled out holding what looked like an egg.

[Insert a long string of profanities]

They keep poking their anty little antennae out. I'm sitting here on the edge of my bed, peering into the hole, cursing, and waiting to annihilate each one.

These kinds of freak things happen to me more than the other teachers. Although, another girl did find mold in her wardrobe recently. It made me feel a little better to have someone to commiserate with.


  1. Maybe they get a "charge" out of your camera battery!

  2. It is true, you do have weird room problems more than most of us. I thought you might appreciate validation since I can't do anything about the ants.

  3. What a Sturdy joke. Love it.

    Erin, I feel validated.
